cool i was thinking of a minigame like this but would never of come up with the cannon man idea in the middle nice job man it looks like a gr8 map
kwl i probly bring v2 out in a week or so when i have time
wow i love thoose ideas thanks loads for the comments they will help a lot for when i make the secound version
good idea ill probly make a v2 of this map soon but ill w8 for more suggestions
Hey guys! This is my brand new minigame called XRS jenga! it is basicly the same as the halo 3 version except the zombie is now in a warthog and...
thanks dude i wanted the map to be challenging and to look awsome sounds like i did alright =]
i didnt realise there was a spot not coverd maybe ill bring out a v2
they are capture plate objectives
Thanks, i just really wanted it to look awsome
thanks =] Edited by merge: this made me lol
Dont worry! i made kill barriers!!!
Hey guys this is a new racetrack i made its called abandoned mine and basicly it is a small racetrack made to look like a mining cart track check...
thanks ill be intrested in what you think of it
cheers =]
Thanks! Edited by merge: starting to make another rollar coaster my last one "fusion state" was really enjoable to make so watch out for my next...
looks good but some decoration would be nice
very nice idea
Hey guys this is my most recent race track, Called Chillweb State its an awsome smooth skytrack which is great fun for competive races with...
i downloaded this a while ago off halotracks and i loved the half pipe put hate the jump into it apart from that its an awsome map!
The whole point of the map that it is hard to do which is good for competitions as when someone falls off you can overtake Edited by merge:...