lol! i new i heard that from somewhere xD and now i have the need to make a bioshock inspired map , or atleast play the actual game lol yup...
lol perfect such a better name
[IMG] well one day i was bored flouting around forge world ...and i noticed that , we over look allot places in forge world and we don't take...
wow this is cool its like your racing around in a mall xD ive never seen a race like this , but it reminds me more of a stunt house too very...
um ya i have recently made a Mario kart double dash like map and game type where u drive a mongoose and your teammate is on the back with a...
nice it looks fun i grow tired of seeing race maps that look like a twisted up noodle in the sky if u know what i mean . will give download
a few things .1 this remake looks fantastic it reminds of when i use to fly around the map in the elephant while trying to take down banshees and...
lol dude u have to add me your friends list is full xD
i think there needs to be an over view of the map then people will see similarities better but this looks fantastic will give a download
lol i was going to put a detonator on each side of the bridge but the corner piece i used was to thick so i just used a bomb linked explosive...
ya that is an issue but the coils are on 5 sec respawn if i were to put on instant respawn they would all constantly explode so its not too...
[IMG] BRIDGE OUT is a map that started out as an idea and turned into a map ,the idea was to some how make a bridge that can explode when when...
i like the mega screen thing in the middle of the top of the map thats pretty neat :V
lol ya ive seen the wire , but i didnt see them film it , like i said most stuff happens in the city i live around the county area
its really not unless u live in the city part xD i live in a better part of Baltimore (only like 20% better) u still have the annoying ghetto...
dead mine looks pretty cool love the way it looks so dark and hidden like will give it a download
wow this is great :D it reminds me of the builtin in map Paridiso , but smaller and more compact
ya im precticing in my skills at forging and making it look .."pretty" im stuck at the "do what u gotta do to get the build done " mode lol well...
looks back >.> i knew i saw cake back there (runs back) and hmm that might work , well im still tweeking out some of the bugs here and there on...
AH i see biggest apologies im kinda new here xD i didnt know , and it seems like someone has all ready deleted some how o_o Edited by merge:...