You can't Longshore Skull - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - The definitive source for Halo information .. On the new mythic maps coming out with Halo...
LOL i knoww :D
Nopee you said you would do them all :P IDIOT XD
Yoooooooooooooooooo Chuck's Sister (: Whats new?
Knightboy make those sigs pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee You said you wouldd >:C
LMAO Good photography my friend xD
LOL no DS FTW XD And i knoww i had a module thing and i had an A with no revision :P
I've done the practical so it's all boring from here xD
Science .. I have to make an A3 poster on Rates of Reaction :) Easy but im lazy xD
Refreshing? Why? I haven't started yet loool xD
LOOL but i guess i wouldn't mind if it wasn't game related but i like game renders to use like cool effects and stuff xD Alright im gonna start...
Hmm my dream job is to make like magazine covers for Game Mags .. Like ONM or OXM (or is it XOM? i dunno the xbox mag xD) But i have to be alot...
LOL No one wants to live in Grimsby xD pahaha I dont even know what i want to be when im older .. I was thinking about being an electrician but i...
Wow well in And yeah i will but mehh pahaha xD I will try and go as far as i can but high school really sucks man xD
LOOOL Well i may not bother with college to be honest .. But i kinda have to. You haz sandbox? JEALOUS FACE
Yeah and LOADSS of school work :/ SCHOOL SUCKSSSS And ooo sounds coool . xD I'm thinking about doing work but im a lazy bish tbf xD
Yo yo yo xD pahaha Its going quite **** to be honest .. you?
Street Fighter?
How gay do you sound xD pahaha I can haz Kristmaz?
Skype ? X)