Skype me baby? ;) Ahaha
D: Your gonna bake pasties without meee! :'( MOTHER FU-!
D: Meann, what about our pasty baking with Rosie? :/
Interesting ...
Erm no? Its one on one only isn't it?
Ermmmm .. Well i think i'm gonna play some Fifa with my friend later but we may go on Halo so yeah if i get around to it :)
Nopeeeeee I'm here for the chats and sigs and sometimes i look at some maps :p
Nopeeeeeee I never forge :p I did and thats why im here but i don't post/make maps nemore X)
LOOL Kay :) Play me at Street Fighter later :P I need to complete the game with like 5 people to get Akuma D: Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn
Alrightyyy after that? :)
Skype meee xD
I'm jokingggggggggggggg xD
I is teh Happy Faic xD
Yuppp Happy Faceee :D
:(:( Sadddd faceeeeeeeeeee
Loool xD They are simple man :)
Loool yeah xD
My D.P you prick :p
Lool Sorry mate xD D'you make sigs?
Yuppp xD