Loool did you swear in the shop? D: XD What did you say? Pahaha
Ahhaha i think its the button xD Anddd you can? :P ahahaha you loserr (:
Looooool Its defo this shoes .. xD Speaking of it can you see their shoes? :S I never tried to look ahaha
LOOOL Tell me Sam, Louis is what? I don't see anything wrong with him, he wears a shirt and tie in a casual fashionn .. Tell me (:
I was always Francis but i prefer Louis :) He's the only one that is cool :p Francis is like a biker kinda guy which is lame, bill is old and Zoe...
My crib is boring :p My dad and bro are playing fifa to my right and im just here chilling (: BILL?!? Louis FTW!
Ahahaha So tell me how lefty goes up clare's house ;) xD
LOOOOOOL lefty FTW xD Yeahh she is illllllllllll :/ Lameee man xD
I have tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo She's ill, thats why my day was **** .. :p GUTTED! Lool are her dogs nice?
Skype FTW? In other words skype me :P
loool i was gonna say Packie but i changed to packy for racism issues :p **** days are **** my friend ahahaha LAST DAY TOMORROW! I dont wanna go...
Nahh just a **** day .. Nothing good happened at all .. And they did actually ahaha i dont take money though, im a packy boy ahaha :'D
I had a **** day in school too .. Funs :/
Umm well its not too difficult.. There are some great sig makers who are MILLION times better than me (: Just look around ;)
Loool Most Welsh schools are off too man! D:
Grrrrrrrr You're one of them ahaha xD We're like the only school who are in for this week D: But we haz extra week after sooo YEAHHH! xD
Why no school?
Meh .. Well it was okay i guess.. you?
Loool Finee >:C
NOO You said we as in you and your buddy then make pasties D: Then you meet me and make more againn D: :/