NICEEEEE man xD That really epicc :P So it was good yeah? XD
What? :S
Hey can you change the main thread title of my sig shop to "Boydeh ..'s Sig Shop" please. Without the " " please (:...
The Drums are a bundle of fun when you get the hang of them xD I'm on expert and i love playing my favourite songs on it (:
I don't really .. i was with my bro at the time xD Rockband is just amazing :)
I'll take a look laterr I'm on rockband at the moment (:
You comings then?
LOL i havent seen much of them .. But the ones i have :')
Okayyy xD
Do you still want your sig?
I think i was watching the new series :p They are all excellent tbh xD
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Well okay but now it looks like im doing the sig shop in the wrong order >:C Sad faceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee