Wanna hold a custom gamer night thing together
Personally that is the kind of person I can imagine growing up to like kill gays in horrible ways.
OMFG that is awesome he deserves recon.
How does gay marriage even relate to marring you hand. Looky what I found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gngry3__Y5A&feature=channel_page
He sounds like he's gonna cry.
Why did you leave now who am I suppose to ask for recon and watch as he destroys peoples dreams.
Acutually you send it to gt:ForgeHub Top10.
Lol that is bungie fail.
Sign me up for the bring back Sarge partition. I always loved watching him crush the hopes of noobs, and yet spare mine for some odd reason.
I rather like that and I hope you when.
Some of the clips are choppy and could use more editing and quality. But what you lack in that you make up in gameplay. You got some really good...
Bout damn time you got it back.
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
I got to lvl 65 or so because that game was huge in middle school
Happy Birthday
Thats a strange website.
Happy birthday now go get your permit.
Obviously you never met me.
Why did you want to go grey.
And here i though you were a perfectionist.