I think personally the guy doing the calendar for the mayan realized he had already gone several hundred years in the future so he called it a day...
Its a MMO they add on new stuff but the campains can be done in 1-2 days of grind(trust me).
Boundless is lame it was a bad idea to take out the ghost. Smashed is also horrible doesn't flow at all and there are huge gaps in it. Also...
Well tobacoo is legal and is horrible for you filled with to many chemicals to list.
When will that be?
Well I'm keeping it because it looks cool and it makes it look more professional.
[IMG] Is that gonna be the album cover for In Search of Hope
So if Insane is Jesus. Shock is the Holy Ghost. Nitrous is God. What is TDF and DQ? Lucifer and Judas.
For cigs in Georgia it 16 to smoke 18 to buy(bumb I know). For boose it is 21 no if and or buts. I think it would probably be 21 that sounds...
"What retard left all this stuff lying around here" "The door was open check for zombies" "$10 says you won't make it 15ft" "If you're reading...
Every journey begins with a step my friend. Alcohol was illegal at one point but that got legalized.
Umm Grif what does than mean I get the rest just not this.
Um glitching much?
No I think he means not like laying around on the street smoking it not overdosing on it.
I think if it is legalized I almost gaurantee that it will not be allowed be allowed to be smoked in public places. If it is smoked at place where...
Tex I voted for it don't worry. Its all good
I personally don't care weather you smoke weed or not and don't care if it is legalized as long as you don't blow the stuff in my face I'm fine.
That was hilarious I watched it like 5 more times. How much do you wanna bet he's not having children.
Happy Birthday
Ya it is pretty fun but can't imagine anyone being able to get gold medals without cheating. Most I got is 5 minutes I think.