pillow have a slide to a rubble on pt 8 ^_^
dude i love your creativity :). your like te first to make anything u build. I love all your maps and can't wait for the next one to come out.
very nice job guys who made this. this is probaably the first puzzle map feature. me and jumpman were sitting here trying to solve it but we...
dude this is very original and i loved playing on it. i believe that this map deseerves a feature but how does the difficulties change the...
im sorry to say this but this does nmot look clean at all overall i give you a 4/10. Plus it does not match how some of the pics look.
Why would u add other weapons ?
Its a ghost edge and its using a technique you use to jump off the bottom of the ledge.
This isnt your idea because you got this from omarxprx o_O so dont take full credit even search omar x pr on youtube. 2/5 for stealing ideas.
Thanks man that means alot to me and i did spend a lot of time on this map. I hope i get more credit for this because so far their is no post / views.
Hey thx this map took me pretty long to make ( 3 days) and II Taco got me pretty hooked on fixing a lot of stuff xD.
Lol thats me on the back of silvers mongoose rofl xD i fails at rocket boosting. lol. Any way silver the map is really neat and nice but you added...
This is a jump map filled with nearly all ghost edge's but has 1 slide ramp and 1 wall tap. This was meant for very good jumpers so please dont...
Hey taco Im making a jump course and its way better than my other one but i want 2 or 3 more jumps but ran ou of ideas so you wana help me? Also...
Description: The UNSC Pelican crashed leaving survivors to take shelter. They await their station to provide backup from the dangers within. This...
Lol doesnt mean he can do it silver xD. Im jk nice map and good job. Ill give it a dl.
oops i removed it from my fileshare xD
oh cool u guys wana jump some time and im also making a new jump course. Plus this course is really easy to me now.
YAY you posted it i loved every second on trying this map out. It was really exciting and i loved it :) too bad i had to leave in the middle of it.
where xD
hi and screw u ;D