I believe it has to do with common errors.... First of all, did you dummy the ones on asymmetrical first? Second, Did the dummy work for both....
Lol i dont even remember making that post o_O. But devil, i'll be happpy to teach you if you'd like. Also mighty fun is something i just felt like...
I liked it :)
HAHAHAHAHA :P xD.... Anyways nice map. Rly enjoyed playing with xang yang :). I love how legit the end of the video was.... I could not stop...
I Like it silver. I like the main design and how its very spacious. Also i like the lift to the hornet. Nicely executed. Can't wait to test it :)
Yup, which earns you credit :)
Reality is a new jump course that sets the tone of new asthetically beautiful and very modern, fun jump courses. This map holds 11 jumps. Map...
Nice map max. I didn't get to test it bcuz you were made at me at the time but i'm over that now. I like the drop pods. I can see you rly cared...
Lol u sure ??? When you land a jump you spam beat down. Plus they said you dont land stuff at al that are very great
Blaze you do realize all of BtB called it that. And u got removed :P. On topic- Silver very nice map :) the asthetics are great but the last...
beautiful, jumpman told me about this and he's rly impressed with it aswell. I love the look of it and the fins as side railings on the bridge is...
This is one of my jump courses i made a few months ago and it has gotten very popular. So i asked my friend joshington if he'd make a vid of me...
Holy shnaps! I love the whole idea of this. though it seems more mini game. But still its pretty sick because it rly suits the name and it looks...
I can see why you guys would argue about people camping out but i dont rly see ppl leaving the awesome castle to go stand in some place in the...
Very nicely forged map and all. I love the height of it and the length. Also the asthetics amaze me. But i have to ask did you geo merge or do the...
Gunner grunt i luv silver as much as you do :). Me and him were test playing it and it was mighty fun. Maybe me and u can jump together some time...
If you want a good jumpers tip on it it is sort of overpowered with all that grenade stacks but i bet you could jump make it by shooting the...
Lulz I love you silver xD. Thx for posting it i was too lazy to.
The maps good i like the concept. I can see the hugeness of it but i'm worried people will go out into the dunes and came their. Overall 4/5 GJ.