I have always loved city maps and this one looks very nice. I was making one with a sewer too so yay ;D. I like the huge mansion. it looks very...
It was alright, the choppper has been done several times and srry to say this but others have made it better then you. The asthetics werent too...
Ha this does look pretty awesome. I like the little arrow for the entrance because i know it took some time to get it nice looking. I also like...
Niice! I like maps with cool little slants and what not. I give you props for doing this just because I suck at doing it. Cool stuff. Not to...
wow this looks epic, the ship looks smaller than way it does inside which I rly like that. I see possible improvements and I see cops and roobers...
Very nice looking map. I can see how u shaped it like an oracle. The layout is Alright and the asthetics couldve been better. Good map 4/5
Cool stuff rifty gifle. Good idea, i suck at building on avalanche so i give you props for that. It has some nice asthetics and definetely nice...
I like it i just can see myself running out into the desert sniping ppl. I like it and i do see a resemblance. I really like the idea + design of...
I like the maps look in general but theirs really no big wow factor on the map that would pull me to constantly play the map. I still really enjoy...
Hehe i remember testing roll call and getting owned by the covenant :O. These maps are a lot of fun, i do recommend DLing them. I really like the...
AH MY GAWD :O.... And i thought mountain climb was hard. Nicely forged xang, this willl get on bungie favs too xD. I really like the flower its...
This is pretty nice and interesting. I like the idea and all of it. This trap gives me so many ideas. Thx for the idea, i greatly appreciate it....
OMG this is epic, i didnt think you could go inside it. Great asthetic map 9/10. I love the little laser, it looks EPIC. -Ninji
Very nice. I rly like this. The cells are beautiful. The admin building is cool. I dont rly like the duck hunt sniping tower thing. But other than...
I would say that ocean's already made perfect squared in areas. Being able to forge in a different way like in the sim's to make perfect angles....
Silver i'm glad you did this course. I couldn't do it. I really hope to see more from you and rly love your maps. I never thought that we would...
You are right about that and i tried to tell him but he was like... Well how many people can overghost anyway. So he did nothing. I Still a good...
Silver thanks for making a vid of me smashing on your course. I rly like this map. It's greatly addicting otherwise i probably would've of gave...
I'm in. Just inv me or friend request me. I just am bothered about turret rubbles.
Xang, i loved this map. Fun to test, fun to play. Enjoyed it keep up the good work. Off topic- Look at my avatar