Okay, cool I guess...
If you say so...
Um, what?
Frag, have you lost your mind? Manga is way diffrent!
QFT Ganondorf will always take the cake for me, since I grew up with Zelda (iv'e played them all). However, I also think President Eden deserves...
Finnaly, someone else who wants to do something in art. I want to be an art teacher for high school... I dunno, I like drawing and such, and...
You pose your drawings very well, but the facial porportions and shading arn't the greatest. I also think you need to give your hair more of a...
Wow, all I have to say is, your porportions are off, and your drawings are too... ...boxy? Keep up the good work I guess.
^ Win.
The band i'm in rite is nothing but me on bass, and my friends on synth's... lol...
The blurieness actually makes the sig, IMO.
Just beat the dlc, 'twas awesome! I love the chinese stealth armor. I didn't like the last bit though because it seemed like my teamates were...
Awesome sig, I really like it. The text could be a little higher, and a faint border would be nice. 9.7/10
Thanks, i'll use it for now.
[img] Hey, how do you move the start menu/bar to the top of the screen?
Meh, I own GHWT, but it's not worth it. Id'e say go with RB, seems like it would keep you intrested longer.
God, I love the sheer color, very awesome job!
Like I said, sure. I'll just add it to the image rotator thingummy i'm using.
What the hell, why not? Do whatever you want.