Okay, it sounds like you saved your picture as an XCF. Open GIMP, open the picture, and resave it as a PNG or GIF.
Okay, If you mean I use GIMP, yes. What filetype is the picture?
Great for a first sig! You need to add a something to make the left less boring. Also, try to have the focal more towards the center. You could...
Meh, I used to play it, before I quit band.
Thanks for all the Cnc guys, i'll keep it in mind when I do my next sig!
Yeah, thanks! Hey, you play French horn?
So, what you say?
I like the smugging, pretty good, I think your sigs are getting progressivley better.
Lies, there are no jobs here!
V1 [IMG] Well, this turned out alot better than I thought it would... ... Cnc is apreciated (all though I doubt anyone will give it.) V2 [img]...
Desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu...
I made these today and decided to request a little Cnc to help me inprove my style. 1. Toxicity (SOTW entrant) Eh, I like how it came out, but I...
Hey, thanks for the offer, but AIM is kicking my ass rite now. For some reason I cant create an account...
Definatly good, but a little bland in some places...
I guess I could use a few pointers, more like guidence... ... I use GIMP and will be getting AIM in order to chat w/ teacher, so yeah...
Thanks I guess...
Well, I personally would send in troops because they know that they are fighting and run a risk of dying. However, I understand were bomb people...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIPdH2YiI9E wow, I can't wait for this. At least we finally know what the storyline is, eh?
Technically not all mods are illegal. I don't know about Gary's mod however, I'm guessing it's legal due to popularity. For instance, Bethseda...
I'm not huge into racing games, but I heard it was really good, a must play, so-to-speak. So I rented it. I didn't really like it that much as a...