Yoshi: I do admit that I stole someones idea, not sure who though, but it was very well thought out and doesn't involve too many objects so I...
[IMG] Elevation Gametype: Firefight IDEA: When I started this map, I first wanted to make sure I did these two things: -Make an original...
Maybe, instead of something killing us, were all going to kill eachother in the hype that the world will end when we start killing eachother for food?
Even though you said you want it open for vehicles, you could have done a little more. Add more scenery because so far all of the structures such...
Status: Currently Testing Gametype: One-Sided Territories Overview: This is a map I created with the concept that you have to tactically gain...
Sounds like fat kid...
The problem is that every map has an object limit. Sandbox, Foundry, and every Pre-DLC map has an object limit. Now with more space to work...
I really love this game. I have always searched for a way to make a tactical game on Halo, which trust me is really hard, and you finally did it....
Even though all of these challenges are amazing, I must say that the second structure you enter after you die is so amazingly laid out and...
This map looks great, and also looks like it would have a similar feel as lockout and all of those remakes. Even though it looks great, I do...
Thanks for explaining the spawns. That was a good idea to make them farther from the mongoose if you are closer to the front. I also really like...
Looks like a great map, but has nothing that stands out. You should start putting more creativity into your maps instead of just amazingly smooth...
This will never happen, unless Bungie makes a series dedicated to "Forge", because it would take a lot of work, and also a lot of time.