I reall think you should change the name of the map...it implys a bit of racism. Im not sure if anyone knows but someone people find it funny to...
You cant watch with others, but you can BUY Netflix, over 10k movies and shows. You can chat with up to 8 people at once and you can see other...
I really have to say that I love the map, its great when theres only a handful of friends online, it kills some time. The idea of the map was...
Sorry for the extremely late reply, Ive been tied up with schoolwork. I fixed the gametype link(sorry about that). Also, I am halfway done with...
Not taking my time to make the map? The map took me over 20 hours to make since it glitched on me. Aside from a few crooked walls nothing on...
I had forgotten to mention that this map glitched on me like four times. I couldnt place any objects until i deleted enough to get below the...
Thanks alot guys! Just wanted to say I finished my full on minigame! Heres the link Trapnesium
EDIT: Only these two Links work! LINK GAMETYPE[/url[ PICS ARE NOW WORKING! Trapnesium is a rather inventive, creative map that I decided to...
Thanks for all the support guys, i havent posted a map in a while, ive been working on a few. Ive gotten a few PMs asking for a new map, a...
Perhaps its referring to the ability to make the elephants "fly" by having a Hornet(Ziz?) lodged inside of them(There are a few maps that give you...
Yes, I know wings are way overused, but i still think its pretty cool. LINK [IMG]
[IMG] This is just a little screenshot i whipped up. My friend encouraged me to post it, i dont think its the greatest. In case you cant...
Hey, Ive been using a Money Glitch Canvas in all of my maps and have never had a problem with it. Yesterday, however, I was building a map when...
If you cant get it after a few tries, try using B to try and hit the spool back up against the wall, lather, rinse, and repeat
I prefer Short Barriers or w/e theyre called, i forget =) But the reason why theyre uneven is because for some reason, humans could spam crouch...
LINK Snipe Them is an Infection minigame that I had made a while back. It isnt exactly the best interlocking, but it gets the job done....
I had started working on the Rides yesterday, only my power went out and now alls I have left is one of those Potatoe Sack Slides thing... and...
Thanks for the review. The gameplay I knew wasnt really all that great, sorry if I mislead anyone. Thats also one of the main reasons the map is...
I was thinking of putting it under Minigames, but this is really only meant for around two or three players. Also, to anyone who DLed did you...
I understand what you saying, but that would put in more and more honor rules.