i like ur ideas, though i dont think u couldve passed kindergarden with those drawing skills. lol
in bungies weekly update, they announced that there would be a hornet in mm on the legendary DLC!! the only prob though is that bungie took away...
i say lockout br first weapon sniper second covenant weapons and 15 min time.
Re: Best Video Game Of All Time. (nominations end 03/14/08) ratchet and clank 3 4 the ps2
thats the point.
ive already started making it, if u would be so kind as to help me mak it so im not stealing. i just really want to make this map b/c i have a...
i will participate although i will take breaks for about 8 hours of sleep from 10 to 6. then about 30 min for breakfast and dinner each. also i...
well, bungie has already done that with the DLC just because multi flag on standoff is really fun. i think they should just plainly take away...
if cotton ball is really wat u promise bungie better get some big @$$ objects so we can build some massive structures. these objects will make the...
u definitely wont get lvl 50 in this because this will be the pros warmup and once u get to a higher lvl ur going to be destroyed. also no radar...
i heard that it was coming out in two years. also i saw a preview of it on youtube, which was really cool.
Re: Favorite Movies? um no, this should be in off topic or general chat. help help moderator, save this topic.
yea, today i just made a map where everything went my way, and then i had a little budget left over so i decided to tweak it a little and it is...
thers one on guardian where u jump onto the arch leading from the middle to os and if u crouch jump right then u can jump onto a trunk that goes...
um i am icedemon3, so howcan i be on the team and be a backup?
this is why there r too many people who dont no the halo story and they bought it just for the buzz. the story is humans started colonizing new...
srry guys, im a seven but thats cause my team is retarted 90% of th time, so i lose alot while i get 30+ kills. its really frustrating, but now im...
Here is the list cause i ply too much MLG FFA BR carbine mauler, plasma pistol, roket launcher, sniper* bubble sheild, power drain** plasmas...
well, when i do this either im too late in saving or the box dissapears below the floor. what is a good way to save quickly so the box is in the...
well, if u beat the game on legendary, then u could watch the end all the way. this is how it really ends. cortana is going to wake up chief again...