well, wat happens is this. when you play a higher rank than you and you lose, ur rank might go down because u dont lose as much rank when yu go...
its been said many times. its coming out 4/15 sometime in the early morning.
i be downloading fun time maps. :D
i will join u!:D:mad:
yea, that stinks. my xbox was out the whole last summer and the summer before that. so i have never gotten to play without school hanging over my...
i havnt really heard nething b/c i play with 4 people when i do campain and my teammates keep talking over the grunts and brutes so i cant hear...
well, its not relly that fun b/c u cant get to recessed spots
rejecting you, u dont even have that many sticks. otherwise u r around my skill level, my stats dont look that good b/c i was terrible when i...
very funny squidfeet. and the picture, roflcopter, soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi lololololloololololoolololooolollloololoo
u dont understandhow to play mlg. and the way 2 play ons is to take control of the top with some teamates so if ur shooting at someone on one...
i think its hacked b/c it does say it in the headline and if it wasnt it wouldnt put it there.
since u r new here, let me tell u no double posting or bumping allowed unless nessessary.
i think it will be good cause the floors in the bases are flat and if they keep the boxes u could make some fun things. then if they make super...
that looks pretty fun. ill give it a dl.
can a mod delete this post so i can start over with this? i just no that no one will reply and i want to start fresh with it again.
i want to see the guy who desinged the default setting and ask him if he has any imagination that rivals spongebobs. if he doesnt, i say get our...
ive always wanted to see what it would be like to forge on lockout. maybe theyll incorperate some objects that are bigger than crates but smaller...
o, i think hes referring to if anyone has gotten every medal possible in matchmaking. i do not no if anyone has.
thers already a whole series from halo2 that has shown about 200 tricks and glitches called CM-Xwing and they have done all of those glitches that...
h2 plasma pistol. i had a game called beeboxing b/c i had plasma pistol only and we would go to the center of lockout and just punch eachother....