Ah yes, you might want to work on making the obstacles a bit more interesting but at least you interlocked, GJ 4/5
Looks interesting, good for all the newbs out there that don't know how to make some of those things. GJ, 5/5
From the first pic, looks like its on the ground, which isn't good if its a ship lol ^^, 4.5/5 if its not, 3/5 if it is.
Work on interlocking, otherwise, 3/5
Looks great, must download it :), 5/5
DJ Dean - Play it hard, techno kinda song, good for montages :)
Thats So Wicked!!!!!!!!!! Must Download For Pwnage!!! 5/5!!!
Great job, interlocking is brilliant. 5/5
Never seen this kind of map before, nice job, hopefully gets featured. 5/5
Epic fail, 1/5, coz of the pics.
Nice, simple, yet packed with fun, mite want to make the walls taller tho :)
Soz, i got lost in the wall of text, but it looks like it's fun, be good to read some feed back since i cant download any maps atm. 4/5
Looks hard but interesting, GJ 5/5
Looks cool, i liked the last note that you sed u weren't good at driving (but u made a racing course.... wtf? =P) GJ, 5/5
Yea, some of its too open, some of its too claustophobic (dunno if i spelt that rite), make a v2 like the suggestion above but interlock a bit...
Impressive, could be better in the sense of traps and things but who am i to judge? I cant even make a trap! 4.5/5!!
Yea i kinda agree with that, some things still need some interlocking, but the overall map is pretty impressive. 4/5
Looks cool, i don't know much about myths and things like that but it I reckon its still cool. 3.5/5
I seriously reckon that we should at least get MENTIONED on bungies site, or have SOME of our maps in their fav's, this just sucks *excuse this...
I played played with some friends on this map for 3 HOURS!!!!!!!! It's so awesome, never ending fun, just don't put like 5 vs 3, or it all goes...