Dude I love your switch maps, makes life so much easier =P, great job, and the way you thought about it before just posting it, GJ 5/5
Title suits the map, literally a spring board, just set it off and up you go! Great job, and you used interlocking which made it good too. 5/5
Looks like a great map,tell your sister to keep it up :), love it when chicks play, makes the game better =P, if you want to make it better, just...
If your were trying to make it perfectly symmetrical, then one of the double boxes a bit out, but who cares! The entire map is awesome, i like the...
That map is crazy! The amount of damage that goes on in this is amazing i played it with some friends and it gave us never ending fun! Seriously!...
Liked the whole set up of the map, especially the big jump, and the rhythm sections are awesome! Great job, 5/5
Looks like a great map, but you need to have better pictures of the complete overview of the map, not just 2 that are enclosed. 4/5
Great map, the ingenius way that the humans cant camp the zombie respawn is good, and the way that he has different ways to go, not just one...
Nice, loved the last pic of shooting a guy and a ghost :), looks like a cool map, 5/5!
It just looks like a map that continually explodes, but looks incredibly fun to play! 4.5/5!!
do the pallets insta respawn?
Sweet, i played it with some friends, works great with 8 peeps, 5/5
Looks sweet dude! Definately download worthy of a slot of my 100 map max :), nice job, 5/5
holy!! thats looks sweet as, downloaded and playing now, tyvm! loved the creativity! 5/5
Looks cool, least you used interlocking :) 3.5/5
epic fail on the pics, but atleast you have them and tried, though the map is cool, just work on the pic embeding. 3/5
The most noticing thing in this map, is the badly placed walls to stop escapers, but certain part had some good interlocking, work on it a bit...
No effort required, no offence, but my sister could recreate this, and she's 10! 1/5, only reason coz of mongoose + going fast + fusiol coil = big...
Sorry, cant see the resemblace, not much to the map either, 2.5/5
Cool, great for exploration! 4/5