I thought they were ok not enough to be bad at it
Cant you enemble the zombies to be able to pick up weapons?
Warning youtube quality is very bad if you want to see a better quality verison visit machinima.com I think this video is a one of the better...
As i was brainstorming (my parents call it daydreaming) I thought about how most people on the forum think most infection maps aren't balanced...
Newbs r so helpful these days p.s- I'm a helpful newb too!!
Lawl same! I love you google!
Great concept, I'd never would have thought of it!
Hmmm i'll take that into acount
The router is about 4 yards from the spot were the tv is Is that good enough?
looks great
Idea!! We do a saving private ryan remake on a d-day last resort map.. trickmyster would totally approve of that, i hope... lawl
I got the computer in meh room and its got wireless internet so i don't think it'll be a proplem
You mean the Go pro package. Yes thats the one I was gonna buy... when i get it
First I have some confessions to make... I don't have xbox live... :( I don't have halo 3... ??? I don't even own a 360!!! :o Before you go...
The assult would make sense. The swat or bomb squad has to plant a bomb in a terrorists base. Hmmmm, you should experiment with your ideas young...
Lawl, i just noticed it too but instead of making a new thread and wasting space i'll do it here. Recycle ftw!!! Hello, i'm Suicidal. I like...
Some spam from the far reaches of meh hard drives. Save for a silly project about an alphabet using internet slang, heres a sample.... A is fo...
*trembles in fear* I AM NOT WORTHY!!!!! stop letting the bad vibes in through the sink. Lawl, random ftw!!!!
Like say, your playing infection on Fbu's TRAXUS CO. , the armoury is a choke point, because zombies have only one way to get to the humans and...