i don't know why but when i put a grav lift on and angle pusing against a mongoose it dosent work. if you don't understand a diagram:...
yup. but i could just post the qwestions on the website
a few teleporters below the weapon or a passage way that leads to fusion coils or somthing
well i have never seen a map like this (so do't copy) i had an idea of a Quiz map, not a maze but a quiz about the master cheif, if you get the...
no little sisters to harvest? really good, i think that if you were ever going to do it again, i'm not sure how but mayby you hvae adam (grenades...
i was thinking that it takes long timing to take the hill/territory but you only need one to win
im just trying to work out the bits and bobs fo rnow, you can help once i've got the main template of it
/thats esactly what i mean
I will try to explain in more detail and put up a diagram aswell
I had an idea for the ultimate battle between blue team and red team, i am just not sure if it will work. i was thinking of the whole map to be...
It's always been one of my favioret maps and i can see remakes of a smaaler version on foundry or maybe on avalanche
I'm not sure why but as i search through the threads of forgehub i've found many remakes, i think practacly every map has been made. well exept...
it is a good scarab but their are somethings i'd sujest, if you are to make it for gametypes have an attackers base, and istead of the laser i...
Well I see what you mean i myself am not a good forger, but from the help forgehub makes, the average members know a lot more about how to make a...
that i had planed but now i must work out how to make it so you can "chat up" the enemy to allow them into the base/house, i recon the house...
If you ever decided to make a V2 i would sujest using mayha gravlifts to make the warthogs movable
Their is a problem with that, if you are trying to infiltrate a base they will know who is ally and who is not.
I've always searched for a map that is social, a few houses mayhap? i mean every where you turn in ahlo it is :squirrel_jaffa: war...
I will buy it off you, i tried with barts manor but bartlett dose not want to remove, i will pay you 200 frags, or higher