the thing is a battle ground is going to be abondound... untill spartans and elites stomp all over it. but the thing is the maps have always gaven...
i would like it if it was more square as the basses annoy me, i mean bungie, could of done this and replaced it with doble boxes
iv'e decided to start working on a mpa around a gramtype Devils and Angels, so what i have is that there is one "human" on the Angels team, they...
looks intersting, but from what i can see their is no cover or weapons on black outs main geomartry, i know you are meant to jump up onto the...
well you have to think of forge not as a custom game, with not just the wya you play but the surroundings, they can be diferent, example: some...
well i cant elp you with this but there is somthing you could do... use it to your advantage...
if you are going to make another version i would add a bunker in the walls of the hill, that way it could be great for capture the flag, even if...
it looks like a good map but some of the parts just look randomly placed like the fence wall on the sigle box open,all that dose is makes it bumpy...
well fist of all make a diagram of the map and/or but a list of the weapons like: battle riffle.......4 respawn rate: 90 Covernant...
soz didnt catch that. ill report it when the new thread is out, if only you could subscibe to other peoples newly started threads (if ya know what...
this seems to be avery thaught out map using the geo-gltiching into the walls really puts this map into pride, but you may want to take encounter...
Criteria: Main Color: ~Dark Green Secondary Color: Light Green Sig Light (like light or dark): dark Name: Astronum Quote: (n/a) Font:...
this looks brilliant on the front but slopy on the side id sujest a bit more interlocking. on the birght side, i would love this to be...
what i like about this is that most (not all) robot / monstor maps are just for asentic but the ocasional few are playable
it is well thoght out in my opinion, almost all weapons are counterd by somthing, and it dose seem like an infection game but im sure it'll work...
1) im holding somthing i acidently bought press Y and delte what is behind it, and i've almost finished a map, press a and destroy a...
i either make it around a gametype, or from a programe i just watched or some random image from google :D
You see all sorts of haunted mansion in this place but barley ever a true scary map, were zombies taut you and zoom around on your motion tracker,...
i do agree with you in most cases but i have seen maps with armories which first you must try to reach as they are far in distance and that have...
ill give it a try