I Just Created a sig / logo for my upcomming group, 'The Blood Bullets' Please don't be too harsh and tell me what you think, i am thinking of...
I Like The Beginning Timed Map Event With Fusion Coils Destroying the Grav Lifts, Although it did happen a bit to early for everyone to get ready,...
I Was Considering Starting a clan... Again. but i stopped the last one because of lack of people, I'm still deciding a name for it, *My Best is...
... Sprongebob Squarepants... I'm not goining to critisise it as i coundt make it myself, if you are / were thinking of editing it I (myself)...
The Things we do with forge... well done, my favioret is the alien one, but the Et one cmose in a close second for me
What about Clouded Sniper? Anyway nice effect did you use old timey or somtething and got him shot so hhis sheild was down (the blurr)
There are many bunker maps, around forgehub, and there is sure to be more, but the mg base dose look a bit sloppy, or another word i can't think...
I'd love to see a giant pokeball in the middle, that'll be epic
Thanks For the Sig that wasmuch better than i imagined it I was wondering if you could make another for me Theme/Image-- [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
I edited the image for my sig, it's just the sig itself im stugling with Theme/Image-- [IMG] Colors-- Yellow (left half) green (center) Pink...
There is a good chance i'll be on, Astronum, but i'm wondering is this the right place for this thread?
Gamertag: Astronum Times you can get on: I'm randomly on, due to my mums random schedules, but i am usually able to get on afternoons, (England)...
That looks Brill but i see what you mean about the tounge, ill just keep it as it is unless there is some way of moving the tounge around
I agree with homie, I've played a game EXACTLY like this except it had less stuff, I'm not saying that you MUST have copied it but, you have got...
That looks great but do you mind resizing the smile into the Grey stripy area, and the center the face, it dose look ok off the center but i'd...
Custom rank request: Color: Red Background image: Smiley Face with tounge sticking out Text: Noob Thanks
This could be very usefull for infection; the infected run through the middle as the quickest way to the human, base so the humans cut them off...
Hammer Head [IMG]
thanks for that i haven't considered any original (except hammer head) and if it wasn't I'm not too fussed as i found them all by accident
didn't think of that Mr mostache, i always saw it as the two lights as the eyes and the big 0 in the bottom the centre the mouth and the one above...