your game varient is mest up when a person in the cage dies a new round dont start
is that all just a few boxes there only a feww picks why not add more
I hate most rats nest maps just because its a sucky map to forge but you made it look good man good job 5/5
hey nice map looks preety good for a maze better then what ive seen for sure i come and play it with you
OH sorry about that thx
double posting i didnt double post i pressed submit thread when i was logged i on accident so i copied then pasted it when i loged in
i stole recon master chief face...
i only like pictures thatn make people laugh i have a thing for funy:haha:
OK never go to taco bell unless you want to end up like this guy [IMG] Makin spartan babies of the future [IMG] Master chiefs face [IMG] i...
hey not bad looks like a good map but you need to put descriptoins on the pictures so we know what bases are what and all that stuff good job
i have one thing to say that map look frekin awsome
what i see so far looks good but your pictures need to show more of the map it show all the rooms but it dont show enough, there like all in tight...
you happy know if only i havent been warned
look on my file share there is no name on the athour
i would have gave him credit but ive had this pic for a while and i dont remember getting this off hiss fileshare just like calm down your getting...
nice pic
i would give you credit but when i downloaded the screen shot there was no athour so i couldnt give you credit i just thought i would bring back...
I would give himcredit but theres no name on the athour so i cant sorry about that i just though it was funny and id bring it back
The link is : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details its going to say This file has been reported for violating the code of conduct....
yo here gansta chief ballin wit his homie in da bak [IMG] Created by i do not who