how do you know we all have the same games
its ok ill give it a 4.0 it looks pretty good keep tring
Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial: First, go to to your...
yea ive been looking for a whack a mole map "whack a zombie"
Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial: First, go to to your page....
on your mini statics how did you put that pictures there its make crazy because i cant find out
hey great map i like the weponary base i think you should add like a more of a volcanic look i meen how most volcanoes are cones this is just a...
oh my god and i thought the first one was confusing man you gave this map a whole new meening of confusing and great merging man 6/5 great job
if the zombies are glitched in the box and they can see the human but the humans cant see them and the zombies can comeout any time any were...
a thx for the help
i love the map great merging but i have one question how did you merg the fence into the hallway ivwe tried to do it but i just cant
on your final area isnt so much of a base i suggerst putting wepons down maybe making it a bit more creative and maybe a bit more cover in the...
great map for rookie could do a bit better geomerging but what gametypes does this map support 4.5/5
5 out of 5 that was execelent geomerging usauly i dont post on these type of maps but i hacd to say something it awesome man keep making more maps
i agree with a 3.5 because this is great geo merging but its open in the midle and its going to be rely hard for the zombies i sugest more cover...
pictures are a big part of forge hub if your new take this advice on how to post pictures. First, go to to your page. Find the...
im not the biggest fan of heavy maps but this looks pretty good but i think you should make a v2 and add more stuff to it
i dont rely like i dont get the point of the map