I hope they end the game at the battle of reach.
Skull name:Gore Skull description: Hold on to your heads! Skull color: Crimson Skull location: On a dead flood form in delta Halo Skull effect:...
lol looks hilarious ;)
Wow looks nice, has plenty of aesthetic items and spots. DLd
I like the lights you added but thats all I really like.
Very cool although it looks like you can break out in the middle by jumping off the door barricade to the middle top bunker platform.
Nothing really wants me to download it its neat but very bland. It doesn't have much depth to it IMO. But yes it would be a nice default foundry map.
It has a strange layout its "an organized mess" which works well with how you did it good job.
I really enjoy the design it looks really packed with weapons though not sure that was a good idea. Other than that 5/5
Prtty cool I was exspecting something different but this is still cool.
Well thats descently siezed you might want to get some picks of the rooms.
This seems like a mini game type map.
Very nice looks great.
looks like a moster battery trying to eat little spartans.
Nice looking areana map.
Really looks cool and symetrical. :)
It seems very small how big are the rooms?