Ok.. ty! i need help here cuz im new! I was wondering if also somebody wants to forga new map whit me just send a message here or on xbox live my...
Dude this is 3 maps and yes its the same map as be4 but i have fixed it whit as less buggs and stuff as possible. And i have made it bigger and...
Hi dudes! me again... im just saying that im almost dune whit my map pack buy my problem is a name for my map pack... And if you want an Limited...
Hi dudes!!! im almost complite whit my map pack.. and i got no name for the map pack u guys got any tips?? i will uppload some picks and but only...
Ty dude! yeah now im working whit my 2 map pack cuz im stuck in the first one! but in the second one you will find this maps whit uppdates more...
Hmmm im exited to try out these maps... send message when i can download them.. and if i like it then we might can work to gether... im also...
i think i have added you on xbx live but if not ill do it later today!
Hi dude sheck out the forgegroup i have a message there :P
Well download it and try it out trust me.. The campers need to be pros to get more then overkill :P Trust me :P
The map is pritty balanced if you are not in an tower you might die but if you are in middle u got cover from air and if you are smart you shuld...
This is the Tower i made(Red Base) [IMG] This is The other part of of the map(Middle,Blue base) [IMG] Map made by BlondishFiber0