Awesome! plz do like big challange 4 u.. i dont know a big challange but maby an elite or mastterchief?
Uhm dude u want to test play my maps?? then add me!
I remember gameplay on this map.. It was fun.. I want to say more good stuff about the map but i am getting too many infracions or wtf its...
wow nice jobb! I think your map looks realy good and it seems big too is it??
I like IT! uhm i just want to say keep woorking with it cuz it helps meall the time in the end it cant be better! Ask your friends of things that...
Give us some pics ;O we wont dl if u dont give us pictures :P
haha i know :P well np!
Damn i remember when we played flags on this map chit that was newer ending battle!Nice to se you posted this map!
I like the map! but cant u tell us a litle buit about inf cuz i know these people woould like whot u did for making that gamemode better plz tell us!
Well i love this map at halo2 but i have tryed it at reach and.. no..+there is missing stuffs like weapons, coils and picks but i like your forge...
I like the work!! but i think u shuld delete the uhm oversheld and the blue one..
I have send it! Just acksept my friend request at xbx live.. i might give it some time untill its dune..
WTF????????????????? you are giving me spam post all the time but still im not spam posting..
Yeah to get under water alive thats not hard...YouTube - Halo Reach How To: Make An Under Water Map -=HQ Tutorial=-‏
Haha ok i didnt know that wassnt ok but ok..
I like your map!! I did download it and i liked it!! But just 1 thing! You have made a too small mapp for your abilitys to forge!
Hi im some dud you have send a warning for nothing!!!!!!! Well thats story now... I was wonduring if i would get an warning if i would post a map...
So do you forge whit a clan or just alone? we could use some help i think! But lets give it a chanse!
Im BlondishFiber0 and yes i got mic i can play allmost evry weekend and some orginal days :P i am feeling to forge something cool and normal and...
Any good forger around here?? Yeah i know i does! Add me forge pros BlondishFiber0