The map looks cool yeah but uhm you know your effeckt of the light :P it makes the gameing wrong the map looks cool but it wont feel normal when...
Yeah people likes the map so do i but the boring part was we were playing flags and i suck on teamwork lol.. But nice work there!!
This looks pritty nice :) And the music is okaj.. But i hate all people that use that mutch rocks that makes it look wrong :P Good jobb there!
I got to say its an good work! But all maps is like boring whitout lights right?? NO!!!! We dont want that kind of lag!! So try to delete the...
Wow nice work there! Sorry but i cant download this map cuz i dont got this map pack but if i would ill would give it an dl! But plz dont use 5x5...
Man this is a big change on your map! I like it and i got to tell you keep working on this map! Out of ideas? As the vevers whot the would be...
Nice work there you got my dl... But i wonder if you are out of budget.. cuz i notis that 2 buildings got no rouf... i dont like that... But if...
I remember gameplay on this map :P it was pritty nice exept for my team foundout that spwnkilling was existing!
Nice work there! This is art! I dont get original art but this is real reach art Good jobb whit this one!
From now-on i will thank you and reply ower here! Here is my THANKS! :) availablemoth i agree the map didnt becomme as i wanted but in my second...
nICE TO SE YOU POSTED THIS! my friend says that there is missing pictures cuz he cant se evry thing! But cuz i have seen the map i know whots...
I think the map supports 2-6 players. thank you man!
Arena Of Fiber / Blondish Arena SPECIAL THANKS TO: TheDeadlyWeapon XA I3arracuda Arena Of Fiber [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Thank you!
Hi can you tell me how to add more stuff in a post i made??
why have you made heasdshot immune??? ypu aint that when u play any cod lol!
Wow man i like how you made your work whit the lights! But im sorry to make you dissepointed cuz alot of people hate maps whit light cuz they...
Man i like how you map looks.. but i can se it from these picks that there is stuff we cant se.. plz add more picks so we can se if the map is as...
I remember gameplay on this map! It was nice cuz it was ballenced.. And the best part was me being the2 best player on ffa on this map! Cya dude...
Guys why did you do the vidio 2? I like how you made you race track look and also how you plannted killballs and mines! Ill give it an dl..