Haha pritty nice :P i have workt on a map there too :P the most irritating thing whit building there is you must use 30 degrees :P If you know...
Yeah remember my comment? Uh dude this map is like lagging the hell out of evrything!!
Dude were you not going to post that last map of yours??
MEMORIAL memorial by blondishfiber0 - YouTube Video made by Xavbio There is a easter-egg on this map two!! I call it:Old Man's Camp. If you can...
Man this is pritty cool its realy cool!! But you were yousing an gravdlift :p dude those are so boring!! Invent some kind of other elevator dude!!
Dude in the last pic you shuld make it able to jump from the strut to the mountain thats whot i mean!!
No prob man!! And bytheway nice work whit your map keep on working and you might can do realy creazy cool awesome maps!!!
TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting thats were and here how :P...
Dude try to build whit less buildings and create your own!!
Cool man i like the "Lift" and the ship but i dont realy like the inside of the ship but still this is an cool map!!
This is maby the best version of this map i have seen yet BUT! I did nothis that the jump dont work between the betch and the mountain :P plz fix...
sure :P
Hi dude uhm want to forge sometime next week??
wow nice work there!! I was trying to do this map once but it was to hard so yeah you keep on working whit remakes its your thing! but ill DL the...
Hi dude long time huh? Well i just wanted to say that i will try to get online on halo this week! I think im going to be online torrow night cuz...
The video isnt working...
Dude i love the way your map looks :P i think that the lights is making it more awesome but there is one thing i dont like and i want you to...
sorry dude sure i like some stuff whit the map but yeah it just looks wrong :P keep on working dude i think you might can become better :P Just...
Haha nice work there i can see that you have ben inspired by the zombie-map from cod bo// KINO DER TOTEN haha i almost didnt nothis
Man when i joined forgehub i did like only see maps who lookt realy nice! But now man i can finaly se a map that looks both fun and cool good...