This is a nice map its big but it needs more discription and what are the gametypes.
This is a nice map its just not clean but its big.
This is a nice map its pretty big and pretty clean.
This is a very nice map its huge and clean but what are the gametypes.
This is a great idea I can see the resemblence and its big and clean. Nice job.
This is a really nice map its big and clean and nice gametypes.
This is a nice map its big and clean and as lots of gametypes nice job.
This is a nice map its clean and big nice job.
This map is nice its clean and big nice job.
The map is ok its just that its not that clean and what are the gametypes.
This is a really nice map its big and clean but what are the gametypes.
This looks like a very nice map its big and clean but what are the gametypes.nice job though.
U need more pictures and it does not look like duck hunt it looks normal.
This looks like a nice map but to small and there should not be a chopper that looks like it ruined it but great idea.
This looks like a nice map but I just saw one that was alike they were both the same hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
This looks like a nice map its big neat and looks fun nice job.
This is a good idea but its to big your right the whole thing is smooth and nice but to big.Nice job though.
Its nice I like the idea but its to small for infection and for that hole in the ground why don't u just block it with something like a box.
This looks like a nice map its big and clean nice job.Nice gametypes to.
I think the map looks great it looks clean big and looks like lots of fun nice job.