Thanks! I will try that. The plan is to have an arena type map - mostly open, flat terrain with just enough geometry to be used for obstacles,...
Thank you. I guess it's back to the drawing board :)
Getting them to work with the medium OWSD has actually been pretty easy. It's just that small one that is not working.
I want to have a jump pad so players have the option if they walk over a space where a man cannon's emitting through the floor they can jump OR...
I have an idea for a gametype for an arena-type map (literally, an arena) where I would like only one type of weapon to spawn for a period of...
Yes! I need to go back and play through Halo 2 again. It's been a long time.
Damn you! I just spit Mountain Dew all over my keyboard laughing because of this :)
Unless it can be reset instantly once the zombies outnumber the defenders they will have an easy time getting past it, as long as they don't try...
Updated screenshots Definitely going to be included, both regular and "krazy king". For regular KOTH I'll probably put the hill at the top -...
THAT is a good idea. Will definitely include headhunter.
I can't get on Halo now because my wife is watching Spartacus (which is awesome) and was wondering if it is possible to make safe and kill zones...
Infection I'm thinking of having the infected initial spawns outside around the first level of the pyramid and respawns in the inside in the...
I'm kind of a fan of death metal song titles as map names myself... Raining Blood Deathamphetamine Exoskeletal Endless War Broken Peace...
Taking a cue from Natetendo83s comment we've spent a bit more time working on the interior, and added a pair of doors on the third tier of the...
Are both FFA and Team Slayer Asymmetric?
I was planning to use the regular infection gametype, but I like your suggestions better. Will message both of you when I'm able to get online...
I thought it would be fun to make an infection map with a pyramid, with the defenders at the top fighting off infected coming up all sides, like...
I built one last night, left the inside completely open. I am planning to rebuild but will upload the file to my file share and you can check it...
I was planning to do something similar for infection, inspired by the scene in the beginning of Aliens vs Predator showing the Predators fighting...
There are no cheap tactics, only effective or ineffective tactics. If someone is getting killed by noobs perhaps they overestimate their own skill...