omfg you're kidding you got 41 kills and you lost! Haha, your teamates must have been chinese! Lol Thats so funny unlucky tho dude haha and well...
Wow, thanks so much for te really positive comments! Thanks and remember all comments are welcome guys!
Haha, (btw a massive fan of blockout) cheers so much for the advise and I will definitely take this advise for the map i am hoping to release...
Thanks you so much for this constructive critisism, and no i know you are not attacking me. I have hit the item limit and i like your suggestion...
Its using the same theme as my others as in 2v2 and 1v1, I believe that its going to be better than my others so far and as far as I know there...
Thanks man haha, im just oing to check out your other maps now and do contact me when you release the map! I'm making one aswell which i hope will...
Haha, great i hope you like it, and its no problem posting on your map its really good! This is to everyone, if you have a really cool kill or...
Haha, just viewed them, I cant believe 6 people left the game lol! And you vs 3 people lol nice! Here's the link for the video of the...
wow, nice! Were you on your own lol? If you were thats insane! Were you against 4 others? And what type of game were you playing? Soz for all the...
Hey, shea I love this map, I myself am into building 1v1 and team double maps, such of mine are respiration, pavilion and pipeline. I am a great...
Wow, lol thanks yeh I do its on my fileshare I will post it in a second, thanks for the comment. Haha, im glad you like it i think i ended it up...
Ok, thanks for the comment but could you please be more percific as which power weapons do you think need changing and where you think i should...
wow, thanks for the comment and im glad you like it! Well, lol I idi't actually make this map lol so I dont really no where they are either...
I did not really get the video, I saw the mongoose boost which was pretty cool but it didnt at all make me lol like you said it would, but...
Thanks for all your positive comments, remember that this was a "spur of the moment thing" made by debo and JB and i thought it would be nice to post.
Haha, yes someone checked out the video, i found it so funny but meh thanks for the comment! Wow, thanks lol, poissibly in machinima but i dont...
wow, haha thanks for the post, ad i maybe dreaming but i think i was playing sandbox when someone got a manslaughter lol! And nice snipes! Have...
Yes, tahts what I thought lol, what are the chances? I like the sound of the kill you got I remember getting something like that before, but yeh...
haha thanks man and thanks everyone for the positive comment!
Nice first post, and nice map! Looks great although I will have to dl and to give you more info on the gameplay. I'll get back to you soon but...