You probabaly already know the game here im guessing, I myself like MLG maps and will be looking out for anything you should post, hopefully in...
Hey Duncant, always god to see a new member wanting to learn the ropes of forging! Before posting you should probs read the rules here. And for...
I could not agree more with this (happened to alot of times), or you could have it so when someone has rated a map you have to say why and...
Probs because hes important and he wants his name to stand out?
funny you posted this literally about 20 seconds ago i was watchign it lol very funny. There's a version of it with ninja voices and thats very...
Hey yoshiodo, the games you play are perfect for what forgehub offers you; there is a whole farcry 2 part of the gaming discussion here if you...
It looks ok, but a little basic, some more pictures on the inside would be helpfull and i don really like the name tbh. And a tip would be to turn...
Had to watch that clip abut 7 times, i kept getting distraction by megan Fox. The movie looks insane cant wait to see it!
This map looks very nice and very smooth apart from some edgy bits i can see in one pic but its nothing, i cant wait to get a game on this because...
hey man! Great to see someone who wants to learn about forging, there is no beter place for that thn forgehub's very own forging 101 or the halo...
I will soon be completely changing the OP to show off what has been posted here so far, however this will have to be next week thanks
hey man! You should post around abit and possibly start some topics or post a map and get involved in what forgehub has to offer! Hope to se...
wow, thnaks man and yes i am trying to fin time to forge but a bit tricky atm, thanks for the comment! Thanks so much shea! Always a pleasure....
Aww its so annoying, ive been trying to find where i can pay for bungie pro to get the rendered videos everywhere but i cant find it, so i cant...
hey man, seriously dont bother making shipment, it has been done to much before and you can make it any better withut spoiling the accuracy. I...
Hey, i dont think you can do this, but am not entirely sure. Anyways welcome to forgehub and i ope you have read the rules and know the template...
Love the no-scope and overall a very good overkill extermination, my just be me but find these exterminations on team snipers quite rare so well...
Very nice i loved that especially the last snipe. To T cal above will check yours out as soon as i can but it looks very nice well done.
Haha, i glad you like it and i did put some effort into the spawns. Thanks for the comment. Wow, thanks for the comment, some people have been...
Yeh, i know where you are coming from but really all kills such as these are luck, some obviously luckier than others. Thanks for the comment