Dude its not true my GT is TFx KiLl3r check his friends list, seriously? Wtf. I made this alone and if you dont believe message my friend The Dom....
Exactly and even if you do get matched you only got one shot coz you not gona get matched twice lol.
Just watched it and its good, well done! Thanks for the post.
Goose snipe = very nice well done! These two are taking ages to download lol.... 70 kill = really good and the triple kill with the bomb and...
Dl'd them all will watch after this team slayer game =P They sound gd tho, 47 laser kills? lol cant w8
Lol, loved this thanks for posting and nice clip! Keep posting yours! Lol, yeh i sometimes get no amazing kills but have an amazing game, like...
Hey, check out my map of River from gears 2, there was a thread for it but it got deleted, the map its self has over 180 dls. You need to play...
This looks pretty cool and original, but i will have to dl and test it out. Also you should put the prefix conquest infront of your map name. You...
Haha glad its spreading a bit! Thanks for the comment and thanks for taking time to do it! Really appreciated.
I cannot quote everyone so I would like to say of my thanks to everyone that has posted here so far and to others do drop a litttle comment!...
Hey Shea this is looking great and i really like it! Good choice keeping the columns and i love the main floor. I think that you do need a name...
Hey man i did not see your other map but this one looks great so far, ilove the neat forging and if this can play well then well done!
hey, im glad you like it! No so pleased it reminds you of a junk yard lol although i have never seen that map. Thanks for the comment!
Hey, could you please review my map prodigy thanks!
Lol, glad you like it, cover was one of the main things that changed after testing and im glad you noticed it! Thanks for the comment!
I loved the first version, i love this. Improvements are expertly decided and make the map overall alot better well done. The map is extremely...
lol, thanks for the comment, glad you like it. lol, glad you like it!
These are both insane well done! I realised my link in not viewable to others so here are seperate links: Team Swat (Killing Frenzy ownage...
Could you please tell me wat this map is missing because i want to make it the best it can be and adding that something to a V2 would be great!...
Ace and pegasi your vids are awsome! Nice overkill btw pegasi =) And to others keep posting your kills! Check out some of mine at my fileshare...