I actually found the Ark one while playing normally, not looking for skulls. I just kind of randomly looked up and said "Oh, a skull!"
I think it may be visible like that in forge mode so you don't keep accidentally flying into it while building your map? Of course, you should...
Hopefully the Killball can be 'inverted' so it kills players outside of it inside, then it could be placed over the entire map to keep people in....
The only thing I get out of the picture is the game type is "ab" which supports the idea of a quickly thrown together low-gravity/rockets game type.
I smell lots of XSATA sales in the future. Best part is, no modding required, only a xsata drive, so it is perfectly legal:...
8 month necro-post, good job.
Several people fail to understand that I do not mean the new trailer shows onyx. The new trailer clearly shows New Mombasa.
The ark explosion was actually the halo being detonated. From halopedia "Each Halo installation has a maximum effective range of 25,000...
This is a mirror of my bungie.net post. I figured I would get better, less whiny/idiotic replies here....
I think I missed it because I counted time zones wrong.
I will play on both days. Those times in Central are 7pm and 10pm, right? Edit - No, 7 am and 10 am maybe. Nightfall / I am legend Revisited...
Added a link to Foman confirming the leak. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Edit - And I didn't read page 4...
Actually, the 7 exp thing is going to be easy, remember we get individual exp in each list after AU2.
[this post copied from bungie forums Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ] Update: Foman himself has confirmed...
Gametrailers.com - PAX08: Halo 3 Map 'Assembly' Tour by Ace This map seems to be the most complicated map yet. Even with the video I am still lost.
The two videos both show two different maps! http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/9848/mapsdk9.png In the top pic, look carefully at the platforms...
If the list is to be trusted, then maybe. As of now, there is no proof until one of the listed hoppers appears.
I propose the nickname "Newfoundry" until we know its real name (its a pun on Newfoundland).
Just wanted to point out, on the bottom floor in the corner with the three spools stacked up, you can escape the map with a grav lift.
Free Agent SCUPizzaBoy