Looks nice and well made. The hill looks smooth and I haven't seen a game like this before. I will download and rate.
HA! Nice profile pic :p
It looks good for (what I assume) is your first post, I would try to interlock some of the ramps. for example the ramp in the 'attackers yard' is...
Thanks, I knew how to geomerge with teleporters but this seems alot easier.
Hmmmmm...... Polotics is a difficult thing. Capitalism embraces the voice of the people allowing for what they want. However Communism rules in...
I think it was evolution, and a piece of evidence is that should you go to a very high building you have a natural and sublte urge to jump off....
I consider the bombings being next to that of revenge for pearl harbour, however if an A-bomb wasn't used who's to say after the fall of Berlin...
I'll be making a V2 soon, but I had the red rings so I'm getting a new 360 within the week.
Ah... I try
Nice! It's looks well made, and a decent length. But the 'corner out of tunnel' looks a little bumpy.
It's a nice concept, and I like the bunker. Good work. 4.5/5
It's a good idea, especially with the bridges spawning at 2 minutes in, it drasticaly changes gameplay. Nice work
This is a nice map, but does the zombie just drop stuff of can he shoot too? (sorry if that's in the description)
could you include more pics, maybe show some key points? But it looks like a nice idea.
hmmmmm, a map in which you have to dodge prehistoric bowling/golfballs being thrown at you by sophisiticated interlocked man cannons...... Nice...
it's a good map with some nice forging, gameplay looks balanced too. It looks bigger than I had anticipated..... OOOH! I like that, weapons on the...
for a map you made 'when you were bored' it's pretty good, nice tower and structure. keep it up! :) 4.5/5
it's a nice map, but the weapons just seem to be sitting on the floor from the pic, also I don't understand the 'landing structure' does the...
it's a little cramped in some places, but it is a good map definatley comptetition for 'legend mansion', the only flaw is the game lags...
can you give more of a discription about the layout of the map, it just seems to be a flat surface with killballs in the corner, it's a nice...