Looks pretty cool with the crates flying around, one suggestion though: make the crates shoot out again every 3 minutes or so. That would make it...
Looks pretty good to me, the door seems like a good idea except that I'm kind of tired of zombies always having swords and hammers.
looks kind of cool, but plain at the same time. the base and the battleship seem too far apart to me, even with vehicles, it doesn't seem fast paced
Downloaded, looks good, ill report back if i can solve it...
I haven't seen it before so i dont know if you stole it, but whoever did make it made a sick map. Looks awesome, is it perfectly symmetrical?
Very impressive map, definately a download. I could never figure out how to use triggers.
When you built those, did you just place them in the air and they stayed?
Looks fun and bland at the same time...hard to describe but I'll give it a download.
I figured out what was wrong with it, i had it linked to a different email adress
Sick map, I can't begin to fathom how you made the conveyer belt and starting button, I would download if i could figure out how to link my...
Puts a nice tweak on rocket race, actually need skillful driving here. Nice map, possible download.
Reminds me of Ascension from Halo 2
I've never tried making stuff float off over there, do you just place it or do you have to do other stuff?
Good map, also hilarious subject matter
Haven't seen the movie but this map looks pretty good, but a human could get on top of the supermarket and make it really fun for the zombies.
looks pretty good but I think you should put some of the weapons/grenades etc. that are on the ground either at the same spot from both places or...