The truth is we don't know if there is anything more to the other gametypes or if they are just holding back on them to build hype for later....
I see your point but without Developer support for things that the fans like then Forge would never have gone beyond moving spawn points and weapons.
A question for you guys, would the auto pick up be such a problem if you were able to drop the flag again? Yea you can make an argument for the...
I've tried to use the room triple as well but it suffered from a lack of escape routes, at least on my map. Which is funny considering how much...
Thank **** there are no forge varients on release. Was bad enough in reach with so many bits that were only there to make the maps Bungie wanted...
So instead of getting the annoying 'flag taken, flag dropped' we get music in overtime? Also their reasons for the flag not needing to be at home...
I wonder how long until we can see some over head layouts of the maps. Like the heat maps or something.
Has it been confirmed about the under armor skin colour being customizable yet? Just noticed on Waypoint in the pics of Exile it's blue/ red and...
Everytime a team scores a try, there is still a kick off, just like American Football. Not quite. In grid iron (american footbal is called...
griffball is going to have a lot of spawn killing no matter what. any time you have a set side that a team can spawn on if the other team...
You don't think my argument is valid? Tell me you can hear your team mates talking or anything else for that matter when the announcer is still...
[spoiler] Does that answer your question?
That idea is as bad as your spelling. Lets make everyone who likes to change classes often have to learn every controller set up. And don't try to...
You want them to walk around hunched with a permanent shrug and mouths that don't close properly? Or perhaps you are talking more about their...
The Babies from that Godzilla movie with Mathew Broderik.
Ask him why they seem incapable of thinking of stuff that hasn't already been done by other games.
Floppy drive/ Virtual Boy.... I just want to throw another one out there and say VHS deck. outdated ugly ass tech lol. If it were not for the...
hollywood thinks so else they would not be planning to reboot batman again to copy what Marvel did with The Avengers. This is why I think Bungie...
I think you guys are forgetting something. You're trying to balance the perks against the weapons, or other perks in terms of individuals. If you...
Same shapes yes but skinned to be UNSC.