hmm... Anyone else noticing that alot of the human based maps look a lot like the forge objects we saw on the RTX vid? In fact I'm certain the...
Thanks for that.
am I the only one that cannot get the meltdown vid to work?
Hey look, dubstep played on real instruments. Skrillex - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (Live Cover by Pinn Panelle) - YouTube
I still don't think it is a forge map though. Though I suppose doing something like that would make a lot of sense. No reason to have three...
By that note Sarge all the maps ever that have a massive view into the distance means forge space.
so, who wants my soundtrack disk? I don't particularly like computer generated noise.
^****ing lol^ Been playing the Metal Gear Solid HD pack. Have gotten 100% Snake Eater achievments and only 3 left in Sons of Liberty. Some...
It probably got the bad stigma from point g.
That must explain why COD is so popular then....
What if anything do you guys know of Durarara? Any good? Also I finally watched Baccano. Would have been a bit better without the jumping around...
Hell if you guys want, since I will be getting my copy of the game many hours before most of the rest of you, (benefits of living in the future) I...
Yea firefight in reach was just dull. All you did was get to a spot that had an ammo cache and hold out. No reason to move around since they never...
Bad memory but was there a controller set up that had the AA on the stick button? I think that would be a bit better to be honest.
Thrust is the evade replacement right? If so and you can change direction mid thrust like I hope then being in third person would help with trying...
Well damn. Guess I'll have to hope that one of the forge maps has enough of a budget and objects to remake boarding action since it isn't the...
They sound like a Transformer battle. Also why is it that every thing has to have dubstep in it at some point now?
are you not including the forge maps? As in 10 maps plus the three forge canvases?
Where did that picture of Valhala come from? Fairly certain the broken trees are not actually there.
How does Grif feel about Bayonetta 2? Also the movie rumor.