As I said, they probably have no actual military people (former or otherwise) to advise them. Even RoosterTeeth has Geoff who was in the military...
You know you can download an emulator and damn near every single game for the NES onto your computer. I know because I have done so lol.
I suppose they could do a split bulletin. You, know have of it can be on one thing, and then the other have of it could be forge info.
Actually they kind of do have WETA. They built the Warthog and Jackson has expressed interest in a halo movie before. Only reason I can see for...
Too be fair I don't think all the costumes look bad. Chief's armor for instance (aside from the overly large helmet...) or from what I've seen of...
He didn't get shot in the nuts dude. Also Honor Rules, probably told to drop when they've been shot rather than it actually knocking them down.
Which explains every single student other than Lasky does anything but follow orders... As for the suits, the first ones might be as WWWilliam...
My next question was going to be does anyone feel like doing co-op runs? Possibly legendary or else just heroic. Edited by merge: Are you being...
something else that worries me about the random power weapon drop thing OD mentioned in his post. Anyone here been hit in the head by a drop pod...
I get the feeling the made this movie without any help from actual military people. The black commander chick in particular, when shouting...
heh you think not being able to use internet to look for cheats is bad? I still have a little note book somewhere that has a bunch of codes...
Good man. Going proper story line wise huh? Nice.
I even have Star craft on my desktop. shame it's overheating like a ***** at the moment. Anyway, enough off topic. Has anyone found anything...
blacksheepwall poweroverwhelming showmethemoney foodforthought and I think there was one involving no cow level or something like that.
yea I just suck at RTSs can't even get through star craft without cheats that for some reason I still remember.
lol. Thought about doing a Wars, Reach, CEA, 2, ODST, 3 run but then I was like Nah. EDIT: btw check my sig and be slightly not jealous.
Anyone other than me planning on marathoning through Halo 1,2 and 3 before the go to pick up their copy of 4?
I was slightly dissapointed that the Snake vs Monkey mini game version of this was removed from the HD MGS3.
Except the part where that does not even sound like dubstep. My only real problem with the genre is that it's just some dude in front of a...