I dont understand why Zombies can hear Humans and vise versa. I'm not talking about proxy voice,I'm talking about being able to hear them like you...
Rush Wars as some people like to call it although rushing as always been around in strat games. Adapt to rushing or get owned. Arby and Hog rushes...
I love this style of map. Alothough it can be confusing for newbies to the map, it creates very diverse and unique gameplay. As much as I love the...
We need a fix for this! So many possiblites can be dashed because of not being able to make something because of this 'glass wall' that stops us...
This post is not up to FH standard. It must include at least one embeded picture with a map link and discription. You have 24hours to fix this...
Lifeimprisonment is really costly on the goverment. Mass murderers and rapists enjoy chrismas dinner, a spacy cell and a soft bed. As harsh as...
It looks like geomerging is an easy thing to exploit on this map. Item wise there's not much avalable. For casual gamers this is a nightmare but...
I made made a map simular to this, it was like an indiana jones style map. Might post it on here. On Topic: Pro's: Love the idea and the layout....
Looks really nice. I like the layout, and looks perfectly symetrical. If you intend to make a v2 I would make more use of interlocking and have...
For a V2 i'm sure you've been told this but you need to try and make it playable. This map is incredabley neat and it looks like you put hours of...
From the Pictures it looks nice and neat but in order to gather interest in the map you need more pictures, showing an overveiw of the map,...
First of all i'd like to say Welcome to Forgehub! Your a newbie, Like ME! :D As for the map I like the consept, the map looks like it needs some...
Good Points: Wow, The structure of this map is simply imense... The map looks like it has nice clean interlocks and the structure of the map...
Which way is the front of the Energy Blocker and what do you mean by Upside Down?
The Map Looks Great! Nice use use of object's not commonly seen in a map. Good Points: Its well forged. The death pit is a really nice feature in...
Wow. Ive Just spent a good few hours on this map and I most say, the most addicting and balanced map ever. Its fun as both the Humans and the...
WOW. This really is an amazing race track!
I like the idea's here, with the large bridges that are symetrical on both sides, nice first post also :)
Forging 101 is great :) Its where I learnt everything alothough i'm still getting the hand of geomerging :(
This would be very interesting to play. you 've done a really nice job seen as though foundry could cleary not fit avalance in. Good Job! ;)