it looks good but i have to say that the best part is that it is on construct, my favorite map.
great interlocking but it could use a few more weapons because it is somewhat largeish. Awsome job!
this looks awsome. its nice and clean too.
it looks fun but the whole idea is just wrong.
looks good but the pics dont show it that well.
this map looks amazing, its soopa clean due to your excellent interlocking. Not to simple, not to complicated.
where is youre download link? woops, never mind i found it
its awsome that you made this on snowbound. Im interested in playing it.
especially the wall resting on the bridges, it looks like trash.
nice From what you show it looks pretty good but you should put more screenshots. Also, i thought there was a chopper not a ghost?!?
you should have kept the trash compactor and added another floor to keep it a decent size, it would it more original. But it is amazingly smooth...
There are a ton of mansion maps but this one is extra complicated so it should be good : )