cool design
i like da name
looks really cool
awsomely original idea
nice interlocking
that looks suhweet
looks like tons o' fun
amazing track
That section your talking about is good because it keeps the area close-quarters.
I think you should keep the emptiness on the street so the sniper remains useful
looks great
awsomely original
looks awsome, reminds me of warlock from halo 2
awsome 1v1 or 2v2 map
Yeah, all of the alien weapons do look kinda childish. And they take away from the aesthetics.
Thats true but most people dont even bother picking guns like that up when there are better guns on the map. I just dont think they will be used much.
Try putting just one brute shot in the center also
Yeah, if one team gets all the goodies they will completely dominate but it will also put an objective in normal team slayer, first team to the...
The brute would also balance out the sniper And there is nothing wrong with 15 br's, it just gives you more ammo.
You could ad a brute shot to create a little bit of tactical chaos or a pair of smg's