Looks great! But as the person before me said, a couple of those turns DO kind of disrupt the flow. Other than that, great job!
Epic! Love the volcano and the tunnels! DL.
The direction gangster? lol anyways looks like a great map, it's unique, and as the person before me said, that rock tunnel looks awesome! Instant...
Awesome-looking map, I especially like the nuka-cola. You also made me want to go play Fallout.
Three Things 1. playing Grifball, the bomb exploded, and no-one died. Then, everyone exploded and kept on spawning and dying. What wade it...
Looks like an awesome map! Don't know how you can come up with something this awesome in one day! Also, funny paragraphs. Great job, you can count...
I love you. That ship looks -blam!-ing amazing, not to mention that gameplay is gonna be sweet on this thing. Add another download.
Looks just like a stadium lol. Cool looks, and the support for Grifball and Chess is always awesome. This whole map pack of yours is just amazing!
Cool map, just commented on your Platform map. Those green lights and rocks make it look almost just like PLANTS. Looks amazing, and it probably...
Wait a minute. A human made this? Looks like an amazing map, and I'm a huge fan of these "enclosed" maps. You can add one more DL and like on Bnet.
Looks like a great map, maybe just work on the aesthetics a bit, the picture shows where the ramps intersect and all, and I would go back into...
Looks like an awesome map and one that's a blast to play on. I love the way that you used the natural geometry of the Island and also the...
The name is what brought most of us here. Looks like a great map, though. Great job. Maybe put some obstacles like fusion coils bouncing on the...
Hmmm... Could the CE remake maybe be just an add-on to Reach? No matter what it is, count me in, especially since it's only 40 bucks. Halo 4 looks...
Puzzle maps are always great. Also, the hints were a cool addition, not to mention the 2player aspect of it all.
Holy Insanity! This map looks so cool! could you maybe have an overview? Or would that give away too much? Also, how did you do the changing...
Looks outstanding. I especially like the kill ball and all the man cannons, the man cannons should make for some very fast-paced Customs. Can't...
Dom, we gotta drop the hammer! lol Anyways, looks like a fun map to play on, not to mention it seems like a great replica of the real map. My...
Amazing what people can do with those banks, isn't it. Also, the paragraph was a little, um... weird.
Like the idea, I've always wanted a moonbounce on Reach. Should be interesting how a competitive game mode comes out on this map.ß