Oooh you super sexy man thats nice. Im DL this now thanks for the run down.
So the bounce back keeps you from falling? Do you use jetpacks, sprint or wha? A little puddled here.
If you could post some more pics it would be greatly apreciated.
looks really well thought about, the whole thing looks how i would prefer sword base to be. Plenty of crossing catwalks. Platforms, ledges and...
Looks pretty nice i'll give it a DL and test properly when i do a lan (could be a few weeks) This looks like a good variant of dodge ball.
Love it, probably because its very similar to one im building now. The bridge area is very promising in forge world. Well done though looks good.
I downloaded this map and quite like it the centre circle IS the main attraction and you should use this far more than you currently are doing. I...
Very nice, looks quite smooth and fun. What game types does it support? I love that its essentially a box but you've added plenty of routes and...
This looks tastey, i'll enjoy a forge through this tonight. Looks like you've put some hard labour into this. Good job.
Nice map, a very nice touch to this map. I think i prefer this to the original lol.
Trouble is you need a second person to activate it. Why not use fusion coils so you can blow up with a nade or bullets to send you off. Other than...
This is a nice enough idea but it doesn't work. Played it through there's no real objective other than getting the powerup. Perhaps switch the...
I DL'd this map and played through it, admitedly i didnt test the jump to dunes to see if you die. The map is very nice, quite smooth but some...
Forgetting the whole ODST/Covenant roleplay i think this map is really well put together and well thought out. Looks like some good team play will...
Looks grand, It's what I wanted from Hog Pit when I first downloaded it. Well done and good work with the enclosing walls.