Download Ruix Weapon list Sniper x 1 Shotgun x 1 Grav Hammer x 1 Needler x 2 Needle rifle x 1 Grenade Launcher x 1 Frag x 5 Plasma Grenades x 7...
Very nicely forged although lacking colour the grey is overpowering.
Do any of the rocks fall? Might be intresting to have some set to normal so you got the threat of rocks too. (If you havent already :-P)
To make this game type work all you need to do is make sure you have at least one safe haven somewhere in the map and turn safe havens off in the...
Looks good, i agree with the whole spawn killing its very frustrating. Looks like you tackled it well. Im just curious if it plays well have you...
Reminds me of Takeshi's castle. I agree though needs some more pics.
Love the entire astetics, a good use of the grid is hard to find and for me i believe you've got it right with plenty of open space around the map...
Looks very fun indeed, already in anticipation of variant styles of this perhaps have a a steady slope on either side a stretched out V shape....
Good map, i did a forge through and spent some time on your final stage. I couldnt resist a good jump around on the large building. I found a...
I've played this when i was younger, and you got it right. The whole idea is that it gets harder to evade as more people get tagged. I love it!
I dont get it. Why not just stay at the top? Also whats the gametype its a little vague. Can you go into some more detail on the levels and such.
Lovely stuff you done there. A deffinate DL from me.
Looks nice, can you run up the pyramid on the outside? Would be a cool sumo style map if so.
Damn these race maps are getting gooooood. The twists and turns on this look very nice. I like the use of the dish nice to see it used smoothly.
Nice work, I loved Tritons Twist and im sure this will soon make me a fan of your work. Looks good fun.
I want to touch you appropiatly. This looks awesome! Great work and you even went to the job of putting loads of gametypes in. This will make one...
Looks nice, a very differant gametype to killin each other. I wonder but looking at the pics is the pinball arena on an angle? I mean will the...
Looks very nice i'll give it a DL
This is a very nice concept. Yes the arguement about keeping the flag at the back of the room is all well and fair but you need to get the flag...
Hahah i like the idea especially how it all looks the same, I do worry though that it could be a little too big and result in never seeing anyone....