That works, cheers sorry i realise you may of been egar to post your map. Its very sexy and plenty of detail has gone into it. Keep up with your...
Thanks for the feedback its very much appreciated. I've gone back and fixed a number of things, mainly the spawning bug. I hadn't set it up right...
Again very nicely made but i reached the room in your last pic found a smaller room to jump into (the little triangle doorway) and 'nothing' is...
Good map, everything looks spot on, doors beds etc. Only one issue i had with this is once i reached the end i didnt know it. Is there a gametype...
I made this map a while ago after creating my second puzzle map. (Still to be posted) I wanted to get this posted and out of the way as i think...
Damn i need to get two of my current maps posted. There are some similaritys to one i created. Looks fun though and nicely made. You got my DL and...
Personally i'd like to see a few more pics and information it may help to give a better idea of the map. There are dozens of maps posted daily and...
You have some pretty good idea's here. The first room was a breeze i'd of tried to hide the one way sheilds round the back instead of the front. I...
Checkpoints not working? You tried flag stands and numbering one, two, three etc in a territorys gametype or summet of the likes. Failing that...
It plays well but as people have already said its quite confusing as to which way to go. I get the evade abilty and the concussion rifle then i...
Had a quick play last night, the whole map looks and feels very unique asif its always been there. So nice to have a change from going A - B and...
This looks very well forged together. I love the asthetics of it all very well thought out. No doubt the puzzle's will follow suit as using the...
Thanks, I couldn't post too much of the map without giving things away. So I had to do something to show the map. If you get stuck just let me...
MAP GAME TYPE Noobulass, a young ninja who is flagged by his Wicked Sensei Dark Starfish as "An unworthy butt rotten waste" stands alone,...
I wish i was half decent at those jumps but i can only just about jump off the ground. lol Looks pretty good though a nice challenge. I especially...
Lurve it, got my DL. Very well thought out i think adds a whole new challenge to puzzle maps.
Nice map some good thought like the turtle idea, BUT the video?! Do we really need a commentary and wonky video? Set your camera straight, fly...
lol yea Rubuie that kill ball quote seriously? Blakeo your killball is fine a little expectable using the antena and killball but nowt wrong with...
Very nicely done, i think the tunnels looked rushed though. Maybe some more work on those and perhaps more of a use for them or more access.
I dont quite get it, wont the one way sheild stop people from getting to the other side. Seems a nice mini game but what happens when you leave...