Which is total bullshit because I had to spend 10$ on it... NO REFUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate it when 8 year olds make the shittiest infection maps on maps that shouldn't even have it.
hehehehe yeah, shuving the butt of the gun into someones face so fast and hard has bound to kill them someday, or hidiously disfigure them. I...
SMG's pwn BR and AR
Ya I know *sadface*
By the way, the R3c0nz armir for sale on 3-bay is still thar.
OMGod double post, CRUCIFY HIM!
amen to that last quote :D
You guys are hopless...
Here it is below minimum wage...Minimum wage in Alaska is 7.50$ an hour
Alright, I played this on Slayer and it is AWSIM!
pffft, we aint got **** for clubs in Alaska.
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Due to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 being 0ob3r l33ts4uc3 pwn4g3, I probably wont be releasing maps any time soon, but when I...
Overly l33ts4uc3 pwn4g3 funz!
What is your favorite melee out of all the guns from any of the Halo's? Mine is the Sniper Rifle melee in Halo 1.
thats not right, thats below minimum wage...
You bring up a good point, and it does look pixelated...
I highly doubt that... But all the same I wasn't flaming if thats what you think. Back on topic; Why do they have to make remakes in the first...
I got lucky with my job, usually you need a P.H.D for the job I have but my 8th grade Technology Teacher taught ME post highschool technology...
Dude, hello? Different language here?!