Tell you the truth I have never made a thread with any kind of poll. O.o ---> :squirrel_wtf: But anyway, I don't like the Prowler in Campaign...
Re: Post your desktop! I feel so left out...nobody said anything about mine...Now I'm really sadface. :( (just kidding) I am not really...
SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI! Well, itz 1 of thoes trukz that I R can C t3h resembalinse and undurstaynd Y ppl thynk it R Warthog.
I think I'll go degrade mehself by making a Skyway map of my own, all I have to finish is "2way" which is my most recent map I'm going to upload....
O RLY? Dun worry, It R gun all be K. But seriously, reason #1 still stands!
Getting a Ghost in there just delays the inevitable.
Agreed, please read some of the above posts before you ask questions.